Born 1971 in Brno, lives in Prague, CZ
Master’s degree at VUT Brno, Faculty of Fine Arts, Prof. Václav Stratil


Richard Adam Collection
Andy Warhol’s Museum of Modern Art, Medzilaborce
Egon Schiele Art Center, Český Krumlov
Felix Jenewein Gallery, Kutná Hora




Česká televize
Český rozhlas
Lidové noviny
London Czech Center
Wannieck Gallery
DOX Centre for Contemporary Art
Galerie Rudolfinum
Richard Adam Gallery
Egon Schiele Art Centrum


2019 Feeder and His Girl, Galerie Kaplička, Jablonec nad Nisou
2016 Hanged, Galerie Jídelna, Česká Lípa
2015 Beautiful (B)lind Lady, Ukradená galerie, Český Krumlov
2014 When Beauty Kills, Galerie Kabinet T., Zlín
2013 Strange Night Story, Andy Warhol’s Museum of Modern Art, Medzilaborce
2011 Corpses, Galerie Na shledanou, Volyně
2010 Darwings (Means Drawings :)) and Paintings, Trafo Gallery, Prague
2005 OM-A, A.M. 180 Gallery, Prague
2000 Opus Diabolicum, Galerie Měsíc ve dne, České Budějovice




2022 Some Kind of Plan, Center for Contemporary Arts / Cursor Gallery, Prague
2021 Unity in Diversity, Trafo Gallery, Prague
2017 It’s Mom’s!, The White Room Gallery Pragovka, Prague
2016 I Just Don’t Know How This Gonna Happen, Galerie Sam83, Česká Bříza
2015 Czech Painting, Generation 90’s of 20th Century, Richard Adam Gallery, Brno
2013 Useless, Divus Gallery, London
2012 Transgender Me, DOX Centre for Contemporary Art, Prague
2012 Useless, General Public Gallery, Berlin
2006 Acne, Galerie Rudolfinum, Prague
2004 Within Reach – May Prophecy, Home Gallery, Prague
2001 Laboratory of Contemporary Tendencies, National Gallery, Prague
2000 Portrait of the Year 2000, Emil Filla Gallery, Ústí n/Labem
1999 Common Theme, Galerie Mánes, Prague

How Life Goes | 
2012, 150 x 275 cm Combined technique on paper

How Life Goes
2012, 150 x 275 cm
Combined technique on paper

2022, 30 x 40 cm
Combined technique on canvas

Freedom or Prison
2022, 30 x 40 cm
Combined technique on canvas

I Hate Sigmund Freud
2022, 30 x 40 cm
Combined technique on canvas

I Like To Hate You
2022, 30 x 40 cm
Combined technique on canvas

2022, 30 x 40 cm
Combined technique on canvas

I’ve Hacked the String Theory
2022, 30 x 40 cm
Combined technique on canvas

Mysterious Girl
2022, 35 x 28 cm
Combined technique on canvas

Pregnant Princess
2022, 35 x 28 cm
Combined technique on canvas

Marilyn Monroe Dreaming Orient
2022, 15 x 21 cm
Combined technique on canvas

Fuck You F. J.
2012, 100 x 180 cm
Combined technique on paper

Orient Girl
2022, 35 x 28 cm
Combined technique on canvas

Mother of Jesus
2005, 100 x 180 cm
Combined technique on paper

Carpe Diem
2001, 150 x 245 cm
Combined technique on paper

Rosemary Wants a Baby
1999, 150 x 300 cm
Combined technique on paper

The Law Will Go Out From Me
2001, 150 x 250 cm
Combined technique on paper

Third Sex
2001, 150 x 270 cm
Combined technique on paper

Anima Mundi
2001, 150 x 270cm
Combined technique on paper

A Man Is More Discriminated Than a Woman
1999, 150 x 300 cm
Combined technique on paper

Woe betide me for entrusting my fate into the hands of a woman
2001, 150 x 250 cm
Combined technique on paper

Hard Core Of the Universe
2003, 84 x 118 cm
Crayon and water colors on paper

Wannieck Gallery, Brno, 2013

Galerie Na shledanou, Volyně, 2011

Andy Warhol’s Museum of Modern Art, Medzilaborce, 2013

Galerie Na shledanou, Volyně, 2011

Divus Gallery, Praha, 2012

Self Portrait
2012, 80 x 120 cm
Acryl on wall, Divus Gallery

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